HackVSIT 3rd Edition

<p>Everybody has a creative potential, and from the moment one starts exploring their creative potential, they can start changing the world.<br /> We here at ACE want to give that opportunity to as many young minds as we can and have been doing so through HackVSIT for the past 2 years.<br /> <br /> HackVSIT 3.0 will be an event full of innovation, learning, and a lot of healthy competition!<br /> It is open to all developers, designers, entrepreneurs and even high school students who want to learn and explore their passion in technology.<br /> Registrations starting soon.<br /> Additional Details:<br /> <br /> Problem Statements / Themes :<br /> All teams will be provided with a set of problem statements.<br /> Each team is free to choose a track of its own interest.<br /> <br /> Selection Procedure :<br /> Teams will be invited for the Hackathon on the basis of their Projects, Github and Linkedin Profiles.<br /> Each team can have a maximum count of 4 members. After registration, and filtering, selected teams will be invited for the event!<br /> <br /> Date: 31st January - 1st February 2020<br /> Register your team at: <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fhack-vsit.tech%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1BUUZaIwAYuMRGQ2n4TGdmvA5NMjVB4gOO6Mr8SsoMH3m2N_DGfRBinNE&amp;h=AT2uk5LV9EiZ3RQIpyE-iH-Lp3UYxFEUzhzq54C4TsUa_VWYeBuwjqNxQiC7CzGee9zgVPwXQ3YFi_K3zHvwiCIttw_h_kFUAdJI3Jzih3jSLl9Y3jHY_XGwI2TJTLmp7F4ESEpG7tcnfAh5Bg" target="_blank">https://hack-vsit.tech/</a><br /> <br /> We are waiting for you to come aboard. Let's code our way together, and make this world a better place with our solutions.</p>